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Capovaticano Resort - Yoga & Pilates 21

Yoga and


Yoga & Pilates

Intersperse your moments of pure relaxation with the toning movements of yoga and pilates. Energise the mind, body and soul while admiring the spectacular views of the Aeolian Islands on the horizon.

WHEN: From Monday to Sunday.

WHAT TO BRING: Yoga mats will be supplied. Please bring your own towel.

WHERE: All classes will  be held outside on the hill. In case of bad weather, classes will be held inside in the gym.


Yoga and Ayurveda, combined, allow us to discover the secret powers of the body, breath, senses, mind and chakras.
Every Tuesday from 6.30 pm to 7.50 pm we introduce you to the different individual constitutions of Ayurveda through the free Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop. We will present the different types of dosha, that is the energy constitution of each person, and based on the predominance of a specific dosha, we will recommend yoga postures and the optimal breathing practice for each.

Join us to learn about and put into practice Ayurvedic techniques applied to yoga, but that's not all! We will also offer a small demonstration of our new Ayurvedic Balance treatment, framed by the scent of the sea, the warm colours of the sunset and the sound of the waves.

Reservations and meeting point at the Spa Reception.
Activity with a limited number of participants.

8.00 a.m

Hatha Yoga Traditional and Meditation


Hatha Yin yoga and Meditation

Hatha Vinyasa yoga and Meditation

Hatha yoga tradizionale and Meditation

Hatha Vinyasa yoga and Meditation

Hatha yin yoga and Meditation

10.00 a.m




Kids yoga


Kids yoga


10.30 a.m

Stretching and yoga *meeting point in the spa









Pilates for Mobility

Pilates and mini band

Cardio Pilates

Pilates and fitball

Pilates Antistress

Pilates Total body

5.00 p.m



Power vinyasa

Vinyasa Flow yoga

Yin Yang yoga

Power vinyasa

Vinyasa flow yoga

6.30 p.m

Evening meditation

Ayurveda and Yoga + specific mini massage.
*Reservation in the spa

Evening meditation

Pranayama (breathwork) + Meditation

Evening meditation

Pranayama (breathwork) + Meditazione

Evening meditation

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